Lathrop/Kendal North Residents' Website

North Council and Lathrop Board/Committee Members

Northampton Campus 2023-2024
Residents’ Association

Association Officers
Co-Presidents: Susan Bastek
Vice-President: Richard Hutton
Secretary: Alaire Rieffel
Treasurer: Nancy Chamberlin

Lane Representatives
Aspen: Edie Denney/Joe Kulin
Butternut: Nancy Felton
Crabapple: Rowena Roodman
Dogwood: Michael Schwartz
Firethorn: Joan Bernardini
Goldenchain: George Teter
Hawthorn: Martha Cushman

Lathrop Board Members from North Campus
Marlisa Parker
Carol Neubert

Lathrop Board Committee Members from North Campus
Development Committee: 
Philanthropy Committee: Peter Van Pelt
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging (DEIB) Committee: John Schieffelin
Building and Grounds: Hans Van Heyst
Audit Committee: Gary Roodman

Strategic Planning: Peter Van Pelt

Wellness and Resident Services: Jack Hjelt

Finance Committee:

Investment Committee: