Report of Aging-in-Community Advisory Committee
This committee was established to generate a report which would be a support to the goal of Aging-In-Community identified in the 2023 Strategic Plan of the Lathrop Community. Discussion in the committee identified these as working definitions of the crucial terms in its remit:
1) Community was seen to provide a place where mutual support is part of the fabric, along with respect for individual differences and preferences.
2) Aging was seen as the process of growing older with an understanding that each resident’s needs, wishes and ways of contributing to the community would change over time.
3) This definition of community should be part of all marketing materials and contacts as well as included in orientation for new residents
After distribution of a questionnaire to all residents concerning their wishes for
aging-in-community, the committee identified the following areas of interest for each of areas:
-use of space to support community,
-universal design (definition provided)
We then generated ideas for consideration by management. These will be further grouped as suggestions for “infrastructure”, “services” and “community-based action”.
Use of space to facilitate community involvement. Philosophical underpinning: the importance of gathering spaces that facilitate community, enabling both informal mingling and formal activities.
1) Gathering space for all Easthampton residents.
2) Gathering spaces can be used for informal mingling and regularly scheduled meetings.
Food can be served as an attraction.
Re-establishment of the cafe in the Easthampton Inn.
Establishment of coffee mornings, afternoon cafe or both in the Northampton
Meeting House.
Consider reinstituting same-day reservations to dine at the Inn.
3) Shared space can also be used for specific activities
Evening activities such as game-nights and movie nights to lessen loneliness
especially in winter
Modifications to the “conference room” in Northampton to improve suitability for games
Consideration of dividers for the North Gathering Room to improve use by small groups
Pairing of food with activities
Fitness activities for less active residents
Technology and Communication. Philosophical underpinning:Information technology
should be harnessed to support the participation in community of people at various
stages of technological knowledge, comfort, and learning ability
1) Establishment of a staff position in I.T. This role would encompass technological expertise
and expertise in working with residents (teaching computer usage, fixing computer
problems etc)
2) Establishment of an intranet
3) Improvement in equipment for sound, streaming etc.
4) Continued use of streaming for events, presentations, musical offerings, either solely
streamed or hybrid, as a means of including residents who are more comfortable at home
5) Usage of multiple means of communication to ensure that residents not comfortable with
technology will continue to be informed about community happenings
6) Use of technology for health and safety monitoring
7) Establishment of an updated emergency response system
8) Maintenance in each campus library as well as in the Intranet of a file of resources in the
larger community that can be accessed by residents
Transportation. Philosophical underpinning: A variety of modes of transportation
is essential to enable all residents to participate in community as desired
Recommendations for on-campus transportation needs:
1) On every sign-up sheet have column for “needs transportation” and “offers
2) Improve walkability through better sidewalks and lighting
3) Explore feasibility of establishment of a pool of motorized transport devices (e.g. golf
carts etc)
4) Gather data to assess need for more regular inter-campus transportation
Suggestions for off-campus transportation needs:
1) Renovate apartment in Blue House to offer housing for employee who would be
available for transportation and minor house-calls evenings and weekends
2) Offer service for medical appointments outside current service area
3) Put information about local community transportation resources on Intranet and in
library etc
4) Explore possibility of a contract with Uber or another service
Universal Design and Accessibility. Philosophical underpinning: All Lathrop
townhomes and apartments should use the principles of universal design * and
accessibility to enable successful aging in place.
1) All new construction and townhome renovation should use the principles of
universal design.
2) Modifications to universal design can be made in order to ensure usage for
individual needs.
3) Small necessary changes in current townhomes should be given priority by
Maintenance as safety issues.
4) Use of Kendal resources for expertise in universal design
5) Ensuring of accessibility for all residents to community facilities such as art and
fitness rooms
6) Periodic training of local emergency responders in means of access to Lathrop
residences; similarly, periodic education of Lathrop residents in what to do in
emergencies and what to expect from first responders
Grouping of Recommendations by Category and Priority within each Category
1) Gathering space for Easthampton townhome residents
2) Universal design principles followed for all new construction (including unit
3) Priority given by Maintenance to necessary improvements for safety reasons
4) Improvement in sound and streaming equipment in the Meeting House
5) Improvement in paving and lighting for walkability
6) Accessibility for all residents to all shared facilities
7) Modifications to Northampton Meeting House for additional kinds of use
1) I.T. staff role established. Services include buying and maintaining public
equipment, as well as teaching and supporting residents in use of technology.
2) Support for “cafes” on both campuses
3) Expanded transportation services. On-campus apartment offered to staff for this
4) Updated emergency response system
5) Fitness activities for frailer townhouse residents in Northampton
6) Use of technology for health purposes in residences
Community-Based Action
1) Understanding and reinforcement of an ethos of community involvement for all who
wish it. Respect for individual preferences . Understanding that our role in the
community changes as we age: from activist to “sage”, from helper to receiver of
2) Additional resident-run offerings: cafes, evening activities etc
3) Transportation offered by residents to campus events